1900 - 1920

About Us
WWI Project
Family History

The Project Group at the Booklet Launch, June 2016

On completing a project financed by the Heritage Lottery Fund, Laxton History Group has published seven booklets and a Teaching & Learning Pack for Key Stage I & II. To download our publications from this site free of charge please click here.

Project Summary:

This project involved over 50 volunteers who spent in excess of 6,500 hours on aspects of the work, which based on HLF figures equates to a value of over £160,000.

The Project Group at the  Booklet Launch January 2017

Volunteers visited national and local archives, spoke to villagers and former villagers and invited contributions via the local press and web site.

We were trained to assess
the relevance and reliability of the available information and how to record it. All material was made available to the whole working group to support and assist the authors.

Our boo
klets have been distributed to all members, villagers, their friends and relatives, those who assisted us and also to public libraries , the archives we used in our research and local schools.

We worked with teachers from two local schools to compile our Teaching & Learning packs, which are adaptable for use in any local community. These address National Curriculum areas for history and other subjects relating to Key Stages I & II.

We are publishing downloadable files to make the results of our work widely available. We also have a presentation and a display suitable for public spaces relating to the project, both of which are available to community groups. Please contact us if you are interested.

Contact info@laxtonhistorygroup.org.uk